- allotted shares
- Shares distributed by allotment to new shareholders (allottees). The shares form part of the allotted share capital.See also: issued share capital
Accounting dictionary. 2014.
Accounting dictionary. 2014.
allotted shares — Shares distributed by allotment to new shareholders (allottees) … Big dictionary of business and management
issued shares — Under the Companies Act 1985 shares may be issued by the company to shareholders in return for cash or other value equal to or greater than its nominal value. The authorised share capital shows the number and nominal value of shares that are… … Law dictionary
allotment of shares — the process by which members take shares from a company is the issue of shares; this ends with allotment, when individual shares are assigned to particular holders. A previously unissued share is allotted when a person acquires an unconditional… … Law dictionary
authority to issue shares — the shares of a company, apart from those taken by the subscribers of the memorandum, are issued by the board of directors (subject to the condition that they may not issue shares beyond the amount fixed as the authorised capital of the company) … Law dictionary
To go shares — Share Share, n. [OE. share, AS. scearu, scaru, fr. sceran to shear, cut. See {Shear}, v.] 1. A certain quantity; a portion; a part; a division; as, a small share of prudence. [1913 Webster] 2. Especially, the part allotted or belonging to one, of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bonus shares — shares allotted free to existing members of the company, usually in proportion to their existing shareholdings, and paid up by an accounting transfer to share capital account from profit and loss account, revaluation reserve, share premium… … Law dictionary
Types of business entity — Companies law Company … Wikipedia
Public limited company — A Public Limited Company ( PLC, p.l.c. or plc or p l c) is a type of limited company in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland which is permitted to offer its shares to the public. The designation was introduced in the U.K. by the… … Wikipedia
Dutch Auction — 1. A public offering auction structure in which the price of the offering is set after taking in all bids and determining the highest price at which the total offering can be sold. In this type of auction, investors place a bid for the amount… … Investment dictionary
Weet-Bix — is the name of high fibre breakfast cereal biscuits manufactured in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa by Sanitarium Health Food Company. The name is probably a derivative of wheat bricks or wheat biscuits and as such the plural for Weet… … Wikipedia